Saturday, 16 May 2009

Room to Rent

What a strange day, I have been left in sole charge of the friary this weekend; anything could happen! Am I to be trusted? - well the chores are almost done so I decided to stop for a coffee. Don't worry, I am a dab hand in the kitchen so I won't go hungry and I am expected up the road later tonight. I am invited by friends to share a meal (guess I will take a bottle of something); not sure if this was spontaneous or just a coincidence.

Part of me enjoys solitude and the other part craves community; usually the opposite of whatever is happening at the time. There will be nobody to get frustrated with and if anything goes wrong, its down to me I guess.. Will let you know how it goes.


theMuddledMarketPlace said...

any chance those roofs could ever go back?

J Pearson said...

I am sure it is quite possible, however I am pleased to say this is not our abode. Busy day today, so took this from elsewhere, though it does look familiar...

Gledwood said...

So you actually are a monk then? wow! I don't think I've ever met a monk before, online or otherwise...

J Pearson said...

Gledwood, thanks for stopping by. Friar would be a better description. Monks are weird, locked up in a Monastery; nice to visit, but not full time. Friar is latin for frater (brother) and tend to work in the secular. I also enjoy a glass of good whiskey.