Wednesday, 24 October 2007


Life seems quite stressful recently and I am not getting my regular messages out. The intention was to complete one every Sunday as that was the only time I got to use the friary PC. Now with my new Laptop I have no excuses; but can I find the time? Your taking on too much says brother Cyril (for once he could be right), ships need to come into harbour - cars into garages; and we need to take our rest, Cyril; what are you like?

I am surviving on Post-It's at the moment, they seem to be popping up all over the place. I have this idea that God has a large pad of Post-it's and is leaving them around for me to find, they make me smile and remember who is important and why I am busy doing the stuff I do. These may sound like trivial things to you; for instance, the other day I was anxious to complete a task for someone and at the last minute I found a snag - what was I going to do? A quick look through a few boxes and I found what I needed and counted out to see how many I had. Not one too many, not one too few - exactly the number I needed. Coincidence, I don't think so. Nature also stops me in my tracks, the beauty of Autumn - just as Summer is fading we are treated to an amazing display of colour. Why is it trees seem far more interesting in the fall than the early or mid stages of their cycle? There is hope for us old'ns yet.

Note to evening office: How many Post-it's did you find today.

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