Thursday 19 July 2007

10 June

Distant Shores

Well it is nice to be back and how the trees have filled out and the richness of colour. The Mediterranean has a different beauty, which for me is wonderful to visit, explore and soak up the atmosphere (not to mention the sun). Spending a few weeks with Brother Timothy was a blessing, he asked so many questions and marveled at the sights. Timothy operates in a different time and space; I tend to move around at a gentle - constant pace whereas Timothy is racing from one sight to the next; he sleeps soundly and I am up and down 2-3 times a night.

I did manage to escape a number of times and found my own space. Early one morning I took myself off for a walk along the coastline, a rough track wide enough for one vehicle, which led to the harbour. Looking out to sea I imagined St Paul approaching in a small fishing boat; no doubt he hitched lifts all the time? I am sure the rocks at the shore-line and for some distance in, have not changed in many years and Paul would still recognise the land. We need to travel in to see the changes and still in the midst of the new is the old; the foundation walls, pillars and drainage systems.
Applied to ourselves we need to reverse this completely, how we are on the outside - our dress and how we appear is ever changing. When we travel in we find our foundation stones, pillars and a touching place where the sea meets the shore.

Calling at a bakery I picked up some pastry's, a bottle of water and rested at a 4th century site within which was an active church. It was good to be out of the habit and looking more like a tourist. It is interesting how people are drawn to these old sites, where little changes throughout time. I sat for a while and watched the cats that live there. When the workmen have finished and the tourists have gone; the sun has left the sky for another day, the cats will still be there.

This area is well known for its leather goods and over time I began to think about buying a new pair of sandals. The problem was, I was not sure whether I would be comfortable in a new pair, and these old ones were now moulded to my feet and were as a part of me as my fingers and toes. Perhaps (I thought) if I get a pair and hang on to the old ones just in case, that would be sensible. On the other hand I have had these old things for a good few years. I quickly converted the money and thought £24 seamed a lot for a pair of sandals but in their money it seemed a lot cheaper - so I bought them. On returning back to the apartment I paused at the side entrance, took off my old sandals and dropped them into the bin - there I thought, it's done. I was quite surprised to find just how comfortable my new sandals are.

Office, while I was away seemed to take much less time than at home and I puzzled over this. Was I skipping some, or rushing through without giving time to devotion? I think it was being away and in a different setting, I was more relaxed and did not have my mind on "friary stuff"; that I was able to pray through the office effectively. It felt good.
Note to memo pad :- enter in to a right frame of mind before opening the office. (each day is a holiday).

11 May

Tasks v Time

Yes its Friday (not Sunday my usual) but I thought I would get this off now, as the weekend is looking frantic. Only a week to go before we fly and I said I would take Brother Timothy shopping for a few essentials. His passport arrived eventually much to my relief and things seem to be coming together. However, feeling quite tired at the moment but I am sure it is just the rushing around dealing with things before we go. Then there will be much to do when I get back – listen to me, I think I ought to delete that last line it doesn’t show me in very good light…. How would life be if we could delete something we had just said; you know, when you realise you have just put your big foot in it! Perhaps someone will invent a device to cover that.

During my ministry I have been involved with young people on drugs, they taught me a lot and one thing I remember was they used to get flashbacks after taking a drug; sometimes next day. Well, I can assure you I have not knowingly been inhaling anything illegal; however I have for some time now been experiencing flashbacks (I put it down to age). I may be walking, driving or about my usual duties when I catch a sense of something in my past – a memory. These are always good memories, which pull me into a sense of well-being and contentment; recalling family, friends, places and events. I am getting used to it (though it doesn’t happen all the time). It may just be the particular colour or shape of a tree, the wind blowing across a field of moderately long grass, looking more like waves at sea. Part of my family has a farming background and much of my childhood was spent in the countryside. Perhaps some eminent psychologist could give a detailed explanation?

Brother Cyril caught me today, he was looking for a fax machine; goodness knows what he was going to do with it, said he wanted to copy some documents (can you do that)? We headed off to the old attic and blew some dust off a Sharp ZX something; Cyril has loads of odds and bobs in his room I guess a fax machine would not be out of place. He is a gentle eccentric man but at times in conversation comes out with some profound things. I often get trapped by Cyril and drawn into whatever world he is visiting that day, I really don’t mind but it is frustrating as I don’t get done the things I want to. I seem to be both Mary and Martha in their meeting with Jesus one preferring to sit and listen to what the Lord had to say and the other busy in hospitality tasks.

Evening office: (note to diary) Lord, help me to see the value (equally) in time spent with others, and in tasks.

Tuesday 17 July 2007

6th May

The Mission

I feel as if I have very little to write as I sit down and start to click a few words to you. Things are always busy here at the friary and this week is no exception. Preparations are almost complete for our trip (you could say pilgrimage) Brother Timothy and I are off for two weeks following some of the journey of St Paul. Timothy is young and excited and I....... well I'm sure we will have a great time - perhaps I will write a little (I have started a short story for a friend).

It was last Monday morning just after breakfast, I had an appointment about 4-miles away and decided to take the car. Now I do enjoy music, which is not easy to listen to in peace at the friary, so the thoughts of a CD at a suitable volume was sheer joy. Something classical and vocal took my fancy and I pulled out a copy of The Voice by Russell Watson. The first track was from the film The Mission, I'm sure you recall it. The film was wonderful and the music some of the best I've heard.

Although I was driving down a country lane, the music took me somewhere else completely; I felt a sense of peace and wonder, love and accomplishment. It is difficult to recall this accurately some days later but I was in no doubt that if I could maintain that state, that it would be a wonderful state to live in.

Now you are probably saying, David has lost it - joined the ranks of Brother Cyril; but I thought about this and I know how affected I was by the film The Mission and I thought how close the word Mission is to Passion.
My passion is for people - to help, to teach, to empower and if I dare - to be radical.
The music - The Mission was releasing my passion and I do believe when we operate out of our passion, great and amazing things happen. It is what we are designed to do. An athlete may be a good chess player but s/he was born to run!

I am sure there is a lot more to ponder on around this experience, have you felt the same?
Office prayer (most of this week) Lord help me to not hold back. Amen.

Monday 16 July 2007

29th April

Distant memories - alarm bell

Life seems somewhat hectic at the moment, the more tasks I seem to complete, the more there are. The friary feels different - can't put my finger on what! I could tell things were mounting up when I went to bed the other night; I lay awake for some time and found myself imagining I was at my granny's house. This is somewhere in my past I can retreat to when things are getting tough. Listening to the wind in the trees - there is no sound quite like it, in no time I was sound asleep.

Next morning the temptation was to get stuck into the many chores of the day but remembering my visit last night, thought I ought to address the need (reduce the stress). It really is wrong not to recognise and act upon these simple messages or prompts. I could of course dump some of the work on Brother Cyril, he is happy to plod away at simple tasks but I can't see anything that would suit him. Brother Michael is more capable but would insist in going the long way round everything - it would become a major project; no there is only one thing for it, I will have to get on and do it myself. I will ask Brother Timothy for some prayer support and talk things through with him (he is a good sounding board and just listens and nods). I felt better already and strode off with purpose.

No matter how many times I go through this process, I still get caught out (imprisoned) by stress. My car has a red line on the rev counter to let me know when I need to shift gear, if I had a similar device relating to stress on my wrist, would I take notice of it? Why do I always think I know best?


A bit like an error message on a PC, I really must take notice sooner.

Being aware of how we are, how we feel and how we react is a good measure of how we are. Jesus said "I come to bring you life, and life to the full" He does not expect you to be a super hero and save the world before tea time. Focus on being aware of who we are, how we are and the rest will follow.
Morning office today - Lord help me to practice what I preach; Amen.

22nd April 2007

You are here...

Walking through a large shopping centre, two stories high and all the shops look the same. Yes I know they all have names and sell different things, but they are still just the same (little boxes); and at every turn there is more of the same.

This excursion / expedition into unknown territory was something I was happy to do and the company was very pleasant; still I felt like an alien in this environment and vulnerable because I was now on my own. Smiling and apologising as I bump into folk, they seem to head straight for me no matter which way I turn. Then I saw what at first looked like a side show where one might win a 20p prize for a 50p ticket; it turned out to be a map of the centre listing all the shops – colour coded and in bold letters
You are here.

Now I am trying to tell you how I felt when I read that, it seemed to be shouting at me as if were stupid (and I’m Not)! I know I am here; but what the layout is saying bares little relationship to where I am. I look around frantically to get my bearings because I want to believe the map and eventually find my way back to the car. Do I trust my instinct as I am sure I came this way earlier and all the time I am getting more annoyed with this statement – You are here.

Through the noise I heard a familiar voice – David, David, I am here. All was well, my companion would lead me back to the car explaining all the time how simple it was and don’t you remember these shops etc. That evening it was a joy to be back at the friary (I felt safe) and my evening office concluded with You are here. Amen

Easter 2007

Christus Resurrectus Est! Vere Resurrectus Est!
Le Christ est ressuscité- il est vraiment ressuscité!
Christ is Risen, indeed He is Risen!

I wanted to be the first to wish you a very happy and blessed Easter, so I am sending this at sunrise.

Have you noticed recently the amount of greenery coming through; the hedgerow that was bare is beginning to green up. It is as if someone has been along with a pot of green paint and a brush - there are lots of vertical stripes dotted along the shrubbery and this weekend has been just lovely. I managed to escape for a short walk on Friday and took in some of the good air. There were many tourists (visitors) around but I felt strangely separate from that but close to God's creation.

Recently I had to do some preparation work, which required me to take some measurements. The overall project was to be produced by a number of folk and relied on good communication and some technical art work. Now I have already told you I can't draw. When the materials arrived it was found to be too short so without delay more was ordered and when that arrived - it was too big, but better to be safe hey! The artists got to work and set it edge to edge, yes you guessed it - too big.

I arrived early to set out the project armed with scissors and tape, this was going to be a Cut n Paste job (or so I thought). I really couldn't believe my eyes, it didn't just fit - it was a perfect fit. Now I have been around long enough to know that God can work through our inadequacies and weaknesses, but to say I was gob-smacked would be an understatement. I had to laugh, just me and God - an empty room and this enormous....

Later that day brother Michael started to explain (in detail) how he thought things had gone wrong, or was it right - now I am confused; brother Timothy just said "God knew what he was doing" enuf said!

Sunday 15 July 2007

First Blog

Well lets see how this turns out...
My first Blog. Brother Michael is helping out of course. Initially these are copies of emails I have sent out to friends through 2007; eventually I will catch up with myself.
Best regards - David