Tuesday 9 February 2010

Story teller

recipeI started this post a while ago with just the title and a recipe; what on earth was I going to write about? Almost a month a go and so much has happened it would be impossible to catch up and difficult to summarise; perhaps it is best left gone?

Mums anniversary on Sunday (2-years) and we are only a little closer to doing the recipe book “Grandma’s favourite recipes”. This sort of thing has been done before of course but we will attempt to enfold some of the character and story behind the dish; I know, half the fun will be trying them out to see if they still taste the way they did.

Last week I received an email from yet another cousin (I have around 60 in total), this was a very pleasant surprise as he had found and copied an old photo of my dad and I; it certainly brought a tear to my eye. Cousin Joe remarked how it reminded him of the song by Luther Vandross “Dancing with my father again”.John UTom

We tell stories in many ways, writing and speaking, serving and giving. Through pictures and taste, aroma and touch; we convey part of what & who we are to those around us, who begin to know us and love us in return.


awareness said...

It is through our stories and our expressions we can share our soul with another..... and they can in kind. It's the only way to really connect on a spiritual level we all yearn for don't you think?

kellilou said...

Its taken till now for me to catch up with the blogs i missed due to lack of tinternet, makes awesome reading, and the snow pics are as always breathtaking :)


J Pearson said...

Dana - We also create stories to make things fit. When there is stuff we don't understand, we weave a story around the situation to help us cope.

Kelli - Welcome back. Can't wait to read "God v Dumbledore".