Saturday 2 May 2020

Holy Communion

Holy Communion is a Sacrament given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ and is available to us in a physical form when we attend Mass. Our part in this Sacrament is to receive fully the Living Christ in our hearts, to be changed and become more Christ like in our thoughts words and deeds. A full partaking of this Sacrament will occur, as our hearts are open, and faith is as much as it can be. Ultimately it is God who is giving, not the priest nor the form of liturgy. 
It is God who sees our true self and loves us unconditionally.

God exists as three persons united in love, one in existence with each other. The church on earth is the community of God and we must share in that community. We remember on that night when Christ first took bread and wine, he broke the bread and said this is my body similarly with the wine he gave it and said this is my blood, do this in remembrance of me. This offering of himself (fully God and fully man) was the foretelling of the sacrifice he would offer that very next day. These words were spoken to his Apostles, a community gathered round a table.

Jesus, before he ascended to Heaven imparted to us the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Blessed Trinity – to be our encourager, teacher and healer. That through the Holy Spirit working in us, others may be drawn to Christ. Jesus said, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (Jn 13:35). “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another (Jn 13:34). that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” (Jn 17-21)

The Eucharist is thanksgiving for God's love for us that we may share with others. It is right and proper that we attend mass the place where community comes together in a special way; to say sorry, to profess our faith, to offer worship and receive Holy Communion. God of course is not bound by our liturgy or physical boundaries. Through the Holy Spirit we can receive forgiveness, love and grace at any time. Our part is to be open to receive, believe in God's presence in our lives and allow ourselves to be changed, for without change we are not growing in God's love and become just a clanging cymbal (1 Corinthians 13:1).

We talk about spiritual Communion. I believe this is a moment, which could be part of a service. A time we set aside, to listen with our heart and soul, to invite God into our very being, to dwell within us, to heal us and enable us to love as he loved, to be one with him as only we can.

This can only be termed as a mystical moment, there is no need for set liturgical words (though it may help within the context of a service). I find it hard to be at Mass and not participate in the physical receiving of Jesus my lord, under the form of bread and wine. I find it hard to watch a Mass online, TV or radio - knowing the ultimate climax is missing. I spend time drawing close to God and receiving him spiritually, looking then for the changes I know he wants to make in me.

Other sources regarding Spiritual Communion

Spiritual Communion is a traditional practice of expressing to the Lord our longing for him and our desire for him to enter our hearts. St. Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) said:
“When you do not receive communion and you do not attend Mass, you can make a spiritual communion, which is a most beneficial practice; by it the love of God will be greatly impressed on you.”

St. Jean-Marie Vianney (1786-1859), the famous country priest from Ars, France, once said “when we feel the love of God growing cold, let us instantly make a spiritual Communion. When we cannot go to the church, let us turn towards the tabernacle; no wall can shut us out from the good God.”

How might we go about making a spiritual Communion? St. Peter Julian Eymard (1811-1868), the French “apostle of the Eucharist,” suggested the following format:

“If you do not receive (holy Communion) sacramentally, receive spiritually by making the following acts: conceive a real desire to be united to Jesus Christ by acknowledging the need you have to love His life; arouse yourself to perfect contrition for all your sins, past and present, by considering the infinite goodness and sanctity of God; receive Jesus Christ in spirit in your inmost soul, entreating Him to give you the grace to live entirely for Him, since you can live only by him; imitate Zacheus in his good resolutions and thank our Lord that you have been able to hear Holy Mass, and make a spiritual Communion; offer in thanksgiving a special act of homage, a sacrifice, an act of virtue, and beg the blessing of Jesus Christ upon yourself and all your relatives and friends.”

While there is no formula prescribed by the Church to make an act of spiritual communion, prayers composed by various saints are part of the Church’s rich treasury of devotions. One of the more popular acts of spiritual communion comes from St. Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787):

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament.
I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there
and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.

Tuesday 21 April 2020


I am perhaps prompted by our current lock-down situation since March 2020 and our reactions to a different way to communicate. Digital technology brings family and friends into our living space. Many are fascinated with the wonder of it all and maybe miss the words that are heard and said. We keep our conversations at a basic level, treading carefully as we go.

There are things we know about ourselves and yet, there is much more inside to be opened. Others will see things that we do not see – and between us we can often imagine things that are not there.

Awareness of who we are and how we relate to others is central to our growing into who we are created to be. Pip Wilson talks about us being a valuable and precious gift and the worst thing we can do, is to remain unwrapped.

To begin to unwrap who we are within our community is a risky business. We feel vulnerable and worry that we will not be accepted. If a flower never opens, it denies its own purpose and that of the creator – such beauty withheld...

A seed in fertile ground, will germinate and break into the daylight. It pushes its roots deep into the soil while drawing energy from the sun, a process of growing that we can identify with. 

We are born out of relationship and into relationships. Though we might find solitude a safe place, our growing is in relation to others. So, how does this all work as a process. Pip describes this well as Levels One to Five and is sketched here through his Blob characters.

Level One РClich̩
We pass the time of day in cliché –
“Alright” – “Nice weather” we would say to most people, not looking for or expecting an answer. Not something we would start with when relating to close friends, or those we would like to know better.

Level Two – Facts
We tend to communicate with facts only.
Reciting a story of the things we have done or seen. 
Which can be interesting at first, but you get the feeling it has been rehearsed.

Level Three – Opinions
This is where we begin to unwrap a little, we share opinions, our thoughts on situations.
Letting go of little bit of Me. Carefully though, as others might not agree.

Level Four – Feelings
Now for some real communication – unwrapping how we feel.
When we share honestly how we are feeling, it is accepted for what it is and without judgement. “This is Me” my emotional stuff. Risk taking yes but so fulfilling.
People begin to see the real you, and you do too. You are beginning to see how life can be.

Level Five – Total Openness
This is the goal, not often reached.
To be totally open, sharing emotions (just how it is), with honesty and trust – becoming fully unwrapped and fully alive. 
Finding a level five is like a treasure, we want to hold on to it. Though not in a possessive way, for love is about setting the other free to be who they are too.

Thoughts that come to mind from Scripture:

from John 15:
   Remain in me, as I also remain in you.
   No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine.
   As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.
   Now remain in my love.
   Love each other as I have loved you.
   I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father - 
   I have made known to you.

Philippians 2: 5
  In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.

Matthew 22: 37-40
  Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and 
  with all your mind." This is the first and greatest commandment. 
  And the second is like it: "Love your neighbour as yourself." 
  All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

Tuesday 31 March 2020


A tin round and deep, three-quarters full of buttons and curious things. It was not what I found that I was looking for - but still, it made me think. I found a key, small and tarnished plain and simple and of quite some age. However, this was a key of some importance, for without it, access would be prohibited.

My immediate thought was to bin it! For where would I find the lock, and would it be closed or open? In practical terms it’s most unlikely I will ever come across its partner, and then if I did and it were locked some destructive method would need to be found.

In our journey through life we pick up just about everything. We have an urge to pick up, inspect and collect all manner of things. Simple things like stones; bigger stones we just want to turn-over to see what's hiding underneath. We have a need to touch and feel things, to explore and learn, like a sponge we soak-up much more than we know.

But it's not just about possessions and a collection of shiny things, we pick up words and phrases to use again and again. There are mannerisms and attitudes, moods and parts we will play out on this enormous stage.

The more we collect the heavier the load, then we never quite know which part is the real me!  Life increases tenfold or more, if we are discerning as to what we pick up and what we keep. Understand the value of awareness, notice and respond to the things around you. To only walk in a way that brings life, to recognise and lay down that which we are carrying - that we know will only hinder. Then your road will be lighter, and your steps will have a spring. Listen to the Voice, it is the essential key.

Mike English. New Hampshire.
There's a voice that is sweet and it's carried on the breeze,
and it whispers to me as it flows through the trees,
and it tells me of love that is greater than the world, a precious pearl.

All men have I am told in the bottom of their soul,
an empty room filled with Darkness that is very very cold,
and a lock that is steadfast and resists all man-made keys,
but was opened by the blood that our lord shed on Calvary.

Well he's waiting to come and fill that empty void within,
to give you healing and joy and release you from your sin,
well it's yours to make the choice and if you listen to that voice,
He has Conquered the world and he offers you life, a precious pearl.

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Lenten Footsteps

A Journey towards life:

This is an invitation to walk with Christ through the eyes of many witnesses, the people spoken about in the bible. What was it that they saw or felt about what was happening? What was their experience of God's love, their acceptance and forgiveness.

These are short readings, concluding with a prayer of encouragement. Lent has a total of 47 days if we take Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday.

Many of these readings are about forgiveness, as when we recognise the extent of our forgiveness, we are transformed. Christ's words are life giving and when we see this in others, we realise it is possible in us.

The preparation of these notes has brought me great joy and learning and I pray that your footsteps through this period of Lent, will enable and increase your faith and empower you to witness to others. Remember, each footstep leaves a mark.

Link to readings. HERE

Friday 15 November 2019


It's a waiting game for sleepy Shepherds, Angels and Wise Men; all are travelling to Bethlehem. Some are already there, some are searching, others are told to, “Go and see.”

What’s all the fuss about?

You probably know the story so far but how much more is there for you to discover. 
What part are you called to play? 

The calendar is called, “Conversations with Dad.”

So, journey with us to Bethlehem through this advent calendar. David and his Dad uncover some interesting questions and thoughts. However, conversations are two way and we would love to hear your thoughts too. 

Let’s hurry towards Christmas in a positive way.

You’re invited to try this digital alternative at the site marked above

Thursday 25 July 2019

Time to Think

Many years ago now, I was given a wristwatch, it was a gift from a friend. My friend had owned the watch several years and then acquired a new one. I had to admit at that time, my own watch was looking tired. I said thank you, and each year visited our local jeweller to have a battery fitted. It’s a fine watch and very comfortable on my wrist.

Recently I was on an errand for an old gentleman, which required a visit to the jewellery shop. When all was done, I spoke to the watchmaker. “Oh by the way” I said, “I seem to have difficulty in changing day and date on my watch, when at the end of the month it doesn't carry on correctly.” The watchmaker looked at me and said, “Well it's quite simple really, pull out the winder halfway, turn clockwise to change the day and anticlockwise to change the date.” Was it really that simple? I didn’t even know there was a half-way point. I was so convinced that it was necessary to wind the pointer back and forth past the 12 O’clock marker, and as a result never bothered with the day date indicators.

If I had the watch from new, I would have received a set of instructions. If someone had told me sooner, I could have enjoyed the full functionality of the watch – perhaps I should have asked, rather than presume it was just a cumbersome process. Why did I not think, there must be an easier way, surely a designer would not create something that was awkward?
I'm a little embarrassed to admit that this story is true. Though as I reflect upon it, I can clearly see parallels in social, emotional and many other parts of my life's journey. Handbooks (instructions) are available, questions can be asked.

We should take time to focus in – so we can be more effective on the outside.

Monday 8 April 2019

A Virtual Retreat

This post will enable you to access the Audio files.
The theme is Holiness & Path.
Relax and enjoy - and see where it leads you.

Audio files can be found here Soundcloud
Overview can be seen here: VR overview
A Personal Retreat
(Half day)
A time out to consider a theme at a deeper level. Allowing ourselves to become more aware of our soul and spirit within the context of our Christian faith.
Jesus himself often went away on his own to begin to know the will of His father.
Your retreat may well be on your own. You may be at home or have chosen to go away for the day (whatever works for you). You may have chosen to spend the day with others, sharing the experience and listening to how each person feels about the retreat.

The files may be listened to directly from Soundcloud, or you may download them. You will need access to a device that can play MP3 files. If this is a personal retreat, a tablet or even smartphone will suffice with head phones.
In a group, you will need audio output to speakers, and you will find it useful to print this document – one for each attendee.
It’s good to have a few things around you (though not too much that you are overly distracted).
Most important is a notepad, pencil and rubber to capture a thought.
A bible is not essential, but you may feel you would like one to hand.

Setting the scene: Some people like to create a space with a candle or icon. If this is you, you might like to prepare something such as a tea tray with a few items.

There are three points during the retreat time when you are asked for an activity. This is often a walk, which enables reflection (thoughts on what you have just heard). A physical activity is important, it helps the body move and invigorates our mind and soul. However, this will depend upon your mobility and your surroundings. Think of something that would work for you, a change from sitting, notice how you are responding to the theme, write down your thoughts and if you are with others today – share your thoughts and feelings if you can.

The length of the retreat is very much down to the individual (or group members). Each audio file is not long, and we suggest around forty minutes for each activity – though this is your time, use it well.

Just follow the itinerary and let it guide you through your retreat.
Your feedback to us is always welcome, questions and thoughts.
Please email:


Make yourself comfortable
Audio file one:
Holiness (introduction, music “Purify my heart” and teaching) time 23 mins
            Activity one – Walk / reflection
Audio file two:
Path (welcome back, music “The power of your love” and teaching) time 13 mins
            Activity two – walk / reflection
Audio file three:
The onward journey (welcome back, teaching and music “Draw me close to you”) time 10 mins
            Activity three – walk / reflection
Audio file four:
Close (welcome back, close and music “No longer I”) time 5 mins

Tuesday 15 January 2019


My understanding of priesthood is not based on 12-months being ordained – but many years as a Christian and being involved in ministry to young people.

As Priests we are:
  Called to serve and to administer the sacraments. 
  To share the gospel in a relevant way to those we are called to.
  To give glory to God.

Thomas Merton said – 

“A tree gives glory to God by being a tree. For in being what God means it to be it is obeying God. It “consents,” so to speak, to God's creative love. It is expressing an idea which is in God and which is not distinct from the essence of God, and therefore a tree imitates God by being a tree”
We must become what God created us to be, if we are to give glory to God. 

Thomas Merton also says – 

“Our vocation is not simply to be, but to work together with God in the creation of our own life, our own identity, our own destiny. To work out our identity in God.” 

Discovering our purpose (identity) and living it out, is our life's journey. It will take a lifetime, no more no less. We thank God for our individuality, our unique self, that together as many parts we are one.

Thomas Merton writes –

“We have the choice of two identities: the external mask which seems to be real … and the hidden, inner person who seems to us to be nothing, but who can give himself eternally to the truth in whom he subsists.”

“There is only one problem on which all my existence, my peace, my happiness depends, to discover myself in discovering God. If I find Him I will find myself and if I find my true self I will find Him.” 

So, there can be no simple answer as to what it is to be a priest. We are all different and will be called into different areas to minister. To children, the youth, adolescents, young families, the sick and the dying. To business, to teaching; there is not an area of life that is not in need of the light of Christ. 

We all struggle with self-belief. I am not good enough, worthy enough, knowledgeable or strong enough to be a priest. 

In kingdom terms that certainly would meet the criteria.

It is through brokenness that we serve. 
Only God is good.

Thomas Merton - 

“The beginning of love is the will to let those we love be perfectly themselves, the resolution not to twist them to fit our own image.” 
Within our own image dwells our values and beliefs

A Henri Nouwen quote – 

One of the main tasks of theology is to find words that do not divide but unite, that do not create conflict but unity, that do not hurt but heal.

My call has always been to youth, I have been blessed to have a soulmate that shares the same vision and ministry. Our call is to walk alongside the youth, to offer different ways of thinking – in a language that is familiar to them.

That they may discover for themselves the wonders that God has in store for them. We do not want to presume that we know their Map – though the inward-looking pilgrim tends to make better progress.

It’s about enabling young people to realise their potential through their natural gifting. Focusing on forgiveness and acceptance, healing and wholeness, kindness and gentleness, understanding and belief, truth and integrity.

As Priests we are:
  Called to serve and to administer the sacraments. 
  To share the gospel in a relevant way to those we are called to.
  To give glory to God.
  Oh, and did I mention – Preach the Gospel

Sunday 9 December 2018

As if time stood still

The Gospel of James has an interesting story; that Joseph had a vision or encountered an experience as he went to find a Hebrew mid-wife. Mary was about to give birth and Joseph had left her in the cave. These are writings from the 2nd Century and are not included as part of the canonical Gospels.

"Now I, Joseph, was walking along and yet not going anywhere. I looked up at the vault of the sky and saw it standing still, and then at the clouds and saw them paused in amazement, and at the birds of the sky suspended in mid-air. As I looked on the earth, I saw a bowl lying there and workers reclining around it with their hands in the bowl; some were chewing and yet did not chew; some were picking up something to eat and yet did not pick it up; and some were putting food in their mouths and yet did not do so. Instead, they were all looking upward. "I saw sheep being driven along and yet the sheep stood still; the shepherd was lifting his hand to strike them, and yet his hand remained raised. And I observed the current of the river and saw goats with their mouths in the water and yet they were not drinking. "Then all of a sudden everything and everybody went on with what they had been doing.

My thoughts are drawn to the possibility of “time” standing still, at the moment of birth of our saviour Jesus Christ. God made flesh and living among us. The three expressions of God; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. All who existed before “time” and were spoken of in the beginning (the book of Genesis).

It would seem quite natural that time would stand still at that moment when the child Jesus drew his first breath. Our God who is outside of time, entering our time – brings to my mind, a sense of wonder and amazement. In that stillness and quiet, space without noticing movement or breath of air, a pure silence and perfect moment to conceive the birth of our saviour. Words cannot tell of such a moment nor can we fully imagine the timeless importance for each and every one of us, regardless of race or creed.

Take time to enter into silence, breathe in the moment and receive the perfect gift.

Sunday 26 August 2018

The full measure

Financial budgets and accounting,
is not the full account.
Though the bottom line may be accurate,
we see there is much missing.

A formulae of addition and subtraction,
division and multiplication
would seem to be all sufficient.
Though a truer calculation,
will reveal the value and full measure.

The addition without subtraction
will multiply and not divide.
There must be boundless amounts of
kindness, compassion and gratitude,
in this way, true scales may be balanced.

A deluge of acceptance,
trust and mutual respect;
for a deal to be truly sealed.
A richness of clarity, humility and integrity
that all benefits may be plainly seen.

A profit for man is assured
in a value more than wealth;
but to brighten, to strengthen, to refine,
or to form a single living spirit,
never enters into our estimate of advantages.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Wood working

I have recently spent a lot of time, practicing being a carpenter.
There is now, a very comfortable summer house in our garden.

I have been using woodworking tools for as long as I can remember; I just love the smell of wood. My grandson came in to watch me sanding a piece of wood. “Are you making sawdust Granddad?” he said. Well, I was of course; but the purpose was to put a good finish on the wood.

During this build of love, I noticed a few things – and pondered on them while I worked. How often I had used a tenon saw for example. I learned the basics at school, making a teapot stand – it was okay, but not as good as it could have been. I tend to grasp the basics, then just keep going in that same old way – not surprisingly, getting the similar results.

Somehow this building was different. I thought about the Master Carpenter, how he would hold and position the wood. The position of the body was important too, holding control of the saw. There was a new learning here that I would not find in books. It was all about the feel of the cut, that held the saw straight and true. Vanessa tells me, the same is true of knitting – keeping the right tension.

We call this learning process, modelling. By watching and listening closely to the Master Carpenter, looking at the finer detail and getting the feel of it, when we try it ourselves. Your cuts and joints will create a good finish.

We are quite familiar with our bible passages, particularly the ones approaching Easter. As we know the story well, it is tempting to fast forward to Easter Sunday.
  • ·        Watch and wait
  • ·        Go deeper
  • ·        How did the Master feel
  • ·        What can we learn

Try this process, and what you accomplish will be better.

Thursday 23 February 2017

A Brotton Lad – Anthony Rowe

Peter F Anson and his companion Anthony (Tony) Rowe set off from St Augustine’s Datchet on the river Thames. It was Ash Wednesday, February 14th 1934, and they left with black smudges on their foreheads and determination in their hearts. The great caravan was pulled by two horses, Jack and Bill. Anthony was a farrier and he was chosen out of 200 applicants to accompany Peter and look after the horses.
Peter was commissioned by the Universe Catholic paper, to sketch churches and document the pilgrimage to Fort William. The journey took them to Ugthorpe where they stopped for five-weeks, it was necessary for them to change to a lighter caravan – the horses would not have managed the hills of the north with the original one. The villagers got to know them quite well, and my mother recalled the story of these travellers. Peter went on to write his book “The Caravan Pilgrim.”

Peter Anson wrote and sketched about churches, cathedrals and Abbeys up and down the country; he also travelled round Italy, France and Ireland. Peter was with the Benedictine brotherhood on Caldey Island, and one of the twenty monks who followed Abbot Aelred Carlyle over to Rome in 1913. He must have felt quite at home during his stay at Ugthorpe; the community had not changed in its beliefs or ways of life in many years. Staying true to the faith during the persecution, hiding priests and being married by the church in secret; and later in Whitby to fulfil the law. Peter had a great interest in these times and commented as he found them on his travels.
Peters companion was a local lad, Anthony Rowe from Brotton (just a stones’ throw from Ugthorpe). Tony was a farrier and had already spent time in the local ironstone mines and an ideal choice for his knowledge of horses and practical sense. Tony went on to write the first book “The Brown Caravan.”
On their way back from Scotland through Bowes, Yarm, Guisborough and then on to Ugthorpe, which was to be their final port. The horses sensed the home run and needed to be held back rather than urged forward. The caravan was sold, the horses too and Peter continued his wandering, writing and drawing; his stories of local folk, faith and their determination.
In 1901 Anthony’s parents were living at 2 Wood street Skinningrove with three children
Anthony was born 6th January 1909 and in the 1911 census – was living at 7 Park Terrace Brotton, with:
Ralf Welford Rowe – Father
Mary Rowe (nee Harrison) Mother, and his brothers/ sisters:
Henry Harrison 19
Mary Elizabeth Rowe13
Hilda Rowe 11
Alma Agnes Rowe 8
William Ralf Rowe 9

George Rowe 1-month

1939 register tells us that Anthony was living at St Augustine’s Datchet as a smallholder – together with:
Brothers William (Ralf) & George – both in Holy Orders and teachers.
Also his sister Mary Elizabeth as a domestic.

The order of priests at Datchet were Canons Regular of the Lateran:
These canons regular trace their origins to the reforms in the 4th century of St. Martin of Tours in France and St. Eusebius of Vercelli in Italy of the clergy. These and other bishops sought to model the accepted lifestyles of their clergy in a domestic model, based on the communal pattern followed by the first Christians, as depicted in the Acts of the Apostles. The premier example of this effort was the life and work of the great figure St. Augustine of Hippo, who himself lived as a monk before being called to take up the office of bishop for his North African city. He later wrote a small Rule to guide a community of women who wanted to live the monastic ideal. This document became the official guide for the earliest of the religious communities to emerge in the Church in later centuries, in parallel to that of the Rule of St. Benedict. From this comes the title 'regular,' meaning one following a Rule (Latin: Regula).

I believe that William moved to London, as on the website “Christ Church Priory - Eltham” there is a picture of William Rowe. 

I would be very interested to learn more about the Rowe family - how they travelled to St Augustine's and became part of that community. Any help would be much appreciated.
John Pearson

Monday 23 November 2015

A Long Journey Home

A novella - finally completed and available.

The story of Brother David: about his thoughts and dreams, people and places around him, existing both in the now and the past.

A Franciscan friar, David is content in his life but continually searching for something unknown – as if he were attempting to make a jigsaw without having the picture to show the finished image, and not knowing whether the piece he is picking up fits his jigsaw or someone else’s.

Set in North Yorkshire, the friary has many comings and goings, and David is very much part of this. He loves to wander, in the woods and moors – but also in his thoughts. A chance meeting and a string of curious events sparked David’s imagination and this searching journey seemed to run parallel to his own, at times more than overlapping and also challenging his beliefs.

This is a story, although some of the place names are familiar and the characters are more typical than real. We are all on a long journey home and although some of this journey must be on our own, others have often been there before us..

Amazon Link


A Yorkshire man, in love with the moors and writing his fist small novel. He has been telling stories for many a year, being brought up in this tradition – and finds a way to make them relevant to our everyday life. It seems there is much we can learn about ourselves, when we reflect on things gone by.

The writing of the book was a journey in itself, taking longer than expected, but perhaps that was the way it needed to be. As Brother David remarked; "We need an ending, to see where we are going."

Friday 6 March 2015

Lenten reflection: Sacrifice

Galatians 1

Verse 4 who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father.
Paul was preaching after the death of Christ, about the sacrifice made for us.
Jesus stood in our place, for our wrong doings and paid the price. We remember the cost as through the Stations of the Cross and the services of Easter bring back the horrific death on the cross, of the one that came to rescue us from this evil world.
Thinking today – wouldn't it be nice if someone came along and paid off my mortgage, gave me a lump sum that would see me and my family right for the rest of our days; what if I could win the lottery? Money is not everything, if only I could have my health! And Paul tells us we are rescued.
The world is at war with fear and greed, we have enough but we will not share it, sickness and death is headline news. Can we imagine anything worse –
So what is it that Jesus Christ rescued us from, that was so evil? We have to wonder.
His love was so great for us that he willingly gave up his life that we might be free.

I am free to be at peace,
I am free to be happy and content with who I am and what I have
I am free to choose to love my neighbour
I am free to exercise compassion
I am free to forgive
I am free to serve
- It is my choice.

And this is the will of our God and father

Wednesday 31 December 2014

Creator & Creation - Christmas

Christmas and Incarnation: a timeless moment, when the creator becomes part of creation.

In our view of how things are, we see a creator (artist, sculptor) as someone who creates, stands back to view his creation with others; and said it was good.
Our understanding is routed in our timescale and knowing of how things are; it is essential to have the shepherds, sheep, wise men, Mary and Joseph. It is the angels that draw us into the mystery, although we now have them also routed in our reality; but they too are very much part of this story, as heavenly narrators.
To see the Christ child, vulnerable, wrapped in swaddling clothes and placed in a manger is a convenient position for us; full of sentiment and awe, which is reserved for new birth.
Whisper though to a small child and tell them “this Christ child threw stars into space before he was born here, and he has brought about an order that can only bring joy”.

Peering out of our windows in expectation of something much better, and wondering why it never arrives. Perfection and imperfection; “you sold me a dream that has become coloured and distorted; it’s as if it fits into something that is not real and becomes distant with time”.

The moments that count and form imprints on our being, are more often overlooked at the time. To be focused on happiness, contentment, love and passion for vocation; you know when such a moment has happened, for it touches the very core of who we are and screams out “this is me – this is who I can be”. Chasing after illusion and manufactured joy is the pastime of this world and falls so short every time.

The story of the Christ child and all that happened so many years ago is best viewed from the eyes of a child; so journey back with me, to that tender age when mystery, and all we held as dear, were one and the same. Become one with the creator as he has became one with his creation; believe in the possibility of wonder, beyond our imagining and the question will be answered
 “What is my part”?