Wednesday, 17 June 2009


May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Though friends are far off, and their travels take them along different paths; I know we are still on the same road and so often they are so close, I could touch them.


theMuddledMarketPlace said...

is that a coracle?

J Pearson said...

It is indeed, these special friends run courses on building the coracle; they also weave in Celtic spirituality.
They are difficult to navigate, Brother Kevin sank one once in a canal near Nuneaton. He went down still smoking his pipe...

awareness said...

Great story about the coracle sinking! I've never heard of one or seen on before.

I was thinking about certain friends last night...struck so vividly with their "presence" that I knew they were thinking of me too.... :)

J Pearson said...

According to legend, Columba and his followers first landed at the southern tip of Iona at what is now called 'Columba's Bay'. The original gaelic name was 'Port a Churaich' which means 'Bay of the Coracle'. Columba's coracle is described as being sixty feet long, and covered with hides.

Columba, an Irish prince, had gone into self-imposed exile following a bloody incident. He had vowed not to settle anywhere he could still see Ireland, and Iona was the first suitable place he found.

awareness said...

Thank you David. I love that story.

My top two wishes...

then Iona.

oh, and sleep! So, that's three wishes. :)