Monday, 22 February 2021

The Portal

To follow a path just to see where it leads, and perhaps being tempted to stray – to find something you would have missed. These moments often happen when you are alone and can be a little scary!

No matter where we might walk, the places we see and the things we experience. We are always searching for something we cannot see or even imagine.

I recognise the inbuilt desire to escape the now and enter something quite different. We have a curiosity that drives us to discover, something that is hidden. Imagine cracking open a stone and finding a fossil inside. What’s the chance of finding something quite valuable or an answer to your question?

It seems there is a foundational belief that exists in each one of us, a knowing beyond knowledge, that there is always more – within and beyond our imagination.

So many examples in stories books and movies, where we see a hero embarking on a quest, journeying into the unknown. I am sure one such story will spring to mind, for me it’s “The Never-Ending Story.” Extremely popular these days is the search for Family history, finding our origin (our roots). Uncovering social history, re-enactment of battles and days gone by. I have to say I am drawn to the 1940’s era of style and music, it stirs my soul. 

We might sit and watch a movie, immerse ourselves in someone else’s story. Watching the hero completing their quest, overcoming fear, finding love – we all love a happy ending. Life runs at an increasing speed, that requires us to escape from the busyness, often to find peace and quiet and allow our inner energy to recover its strength; we want to become the hero.

Have you ever noticed, that when things seem upside down – they are the right way up. So, perhaps here, the opposite is true; that rather than us escaping, its more about accepting and welcoming the hero. Jesus, God became flesh and entered his creation, to renew all things. Jesus, (the word) spoke and all things came into being. For those who have ears to hear, his words became life. For those who have eyes to see, he revealed what was hidden. For those who’s hearts are open, he offers love everlasting. Lay aside the sceptic within, open your heart, and receive all that is offered. Become the hero of your life.


Image by Leo Wieling

Saturday, 13 February 2021

Lissett to Pickering

 1944 and it would seem a long way to go for a cup of tea – from RAF Lissett to the NAFFI at Castle Camp Pickering, though this story begins long before that.

Two brothers from Middlesbrough, Tom, and George Pearson would often camp at the Lawns farm in Ugthorpe near Whitby. The farm belonged to relatives, the White family. There they met Luke Gallon and many of this close-knit community. It was a little while later that Tom realised that Luke had a sister, Bette.

The outbreak of war in September 1939 and Tom being the elder at twenty-two years, together with George were signed up to the RAF by October. Both were already trained with electrical skills through H.G. Sproates Middlesbrough and the RAF was their preferred service. During basic training, Tom became great pals with Harry Beasley and together they served in 185 Squadron at Thornaby and Cottesmore. Rumours of postings were high. Harry went to Canada; George was heading to the area of Hull and Tom was still waiting to hear.

Eventually, sailing from Liverpool Tom arrived at Malta where he would serve three years. His service would take him through the siege of Malta. Tom began his ground crew post as LAC (Leading Aircraftman) servicing Spitfires, Hurricane, and anything else that came along – including a Macchi C-202 (a captured Italian fighter plane). Tom was promoted first to Corporal, and then to Sargent.

Hanna Elizabeth Gallon was from a farming family of eleven and was born in Ugthorpe North Yorkshire. Her father would call her Lizzie, though she was later to be known as Bette. Ever a serving heart, at the beginning of the war Bette was called into nursing and travelled to Guys’ hospital, Farnborough. Later she was to return home as her father had cancer. Bette continued her nursing at the fever hospital Durham road Stockton. Whilst nursing a young boy there, she contracted diphtheria and was ill for quite some time. Nursing was not something that she was able to return to. Her father died in October 1943.

A couple of letters from Malta to Ugthorpe and eventually, perhaps with a little encouragement from Luke, Bette agreed to write to Tom. They would not know where Tom was due to censorship of mail, though it was revealed in code, (something agreed earlier) “Has Charlie sold the two pigs” indicated Malta. Bette would simply address return letters with: Service number, Unit, Name and Rank – Care of APO. The postal service was quite remarkable during war time, maintaining moral with news from home. Tom and Bette’s relationship grew through these letters.

1944 and Bette looked around for somewhere to help. One of her sisters (Dorothy) was in the ATS. Another sister (Winnifred) helped at a small kiosk down by the harbour side; this was part of the NAFFI in Whitby. Several training bases were popping up in preparations for D-Day, the Whitby Metropole hotel was just one of many. Bette enjoyed the work at the NAFFI and was soon selected for training as NAFFI manageress. This training was to take place at a hotel in Scarborough just off the Filey road. Her posting would be Castle Camp at Pickering. There was a rush to get Bette posted as more soldiers were expected at the camp. She was concerned that she had not been shown how to cash-up, so the trainer told her not to worry and she would be there to help on her first day.

Letters continued between Tom and Bette, keeping spirits up. Tom’s brother-in law Leslie had attended University with a Maltese guy and mentioned to Tom to meet up with the Valletta family in Birkirkara; they went on to become great friends. Tom served at many of the Island’s airfields: Luqa, Safi strip, Hal-Far and Ta-Qali 1435 Squadron. The Island was awarded the George Cross in 1942 and Tom was mentioned in dispatches June 1943. As the writer recalls, all Tom’s stories were positive even though situations in Malta were hugely different.

Tom’s RAF record sheet shows a communications flight 26th December 1943, this was followed by a ship home to Blighty. By June 1944 Tom was stationed at Lissett, servicing Halifax bombers – in today’s terms, only an hour’s drive from Pickering.

I never knew who the bicycle belonged to, but Tom would cycle from Lissett to Driffield, catching a train to Malton and then changing trains to Pickering – goodness knows how long that would take! I can just picture him, uniform, great coat, and bicycle clips. Perhaps the same clips he would take off after returning from work in Middlesbrough when I was a boy.

Now, it was on one of these trips, that as Tom was cycling an old hare jumped up and started running ahead of him. Tom began to cycle harder and the hare ran faster, remaining on the road. This went on for some time and increased Tom’s speed significantly. Eventually the hare shot off into a field and Tom arrived at the station – just in time to board the train. Tom realised that if the hare hadn’t been there, he would have missed his train.

13th October 1945 was the day Tom married Bette at St Anne’s Church Ugthorpe. Harry Beasley was Tom’s best man, and both were in full uniform. The married couple first took rooms on Oxford road Middlesbrough.  Late 1946 and as their first child (a daughter) was due, they moved to a cottage on Marton Moor farm. A further move to Rookwood road Nunthorpe where a son was born in late 1953. April 1954 and as Tom’s father, Edward needed care, the family moved in with him at Warwick Street Middlesbrough. Tom died in November 1972 and Bette kept his letters till 14th February 2008 when she joined her beloved.

Friday, 27 November 2020

Focus & Distractions

Image: Galen Crout (Unsplash)

A question was posed, is it okay for a Christian to do yoga? To some the answer would be yes, to others it would be no. The discussion would be centred around the spiritual aspect of yoga (yoga is not being singled out, there are many such activities).

Is this a matter of personal choice or is it expected by the church? Clearly, we all need rules and guidelines to keep us safe – but at what point do we say, "that's just silly, I'll disregard that". The gospel of Jesus Christ is to set us free from the slavery of sin. So, why do we feel we are still slaves?

Paul's letter to the Galatians speaks of us as slaves, being set free in love and the Spirit. We must be honest and say, this is not easy to get our heads around and it may not come swiftly to us. We must accept that we are first and foremost spiritual beings, and that true freedom is being willing participants in God's plan for us.

Galatians 5:22-23 “but the fruit of the spirit is love, Joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

Our calling is to strive (as much as we are able) to immerse ourselves in God - Father Son and Holy Spirit, that we may become Christ-centred, Christ-like.

life is full of distractions, which will lose their importance the more we focus on our saviour Jesus Christ. Galatians 5:13-14 “you, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge in the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: love your neighbour as yourself.”

Where is our focus and what are our distractions?

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

A Matter of Time

Photo: Djim Loic

We always seem to know what time it is –
it is as if we have a built-in clock.

Sometimes it takes a while to kick-in, to get our bearings, but then we are brought abruptly into the reality of where we are and what time it is. You know that feeling.

Time is a hard taskmaster, just like the tide -it waits for no-one. The ticking of a clock is insistent and is at its most annoying when we are waiting for something. Our senses prefer things to be on time unless we are running late ourselves.

We say we have all the time in the world, though this will rest upon how the day is panning out for us. A day spent fishing, walking, or just reading a book will slow down time dramatically. Time often picks up speed when we begin to think, of all the things we feel we should be doing.  Stress and the speed of time seem to be related. Have you ever wondered – what is the true speed of time?

Einstein said, “time is relative” and will be experienced differently by us, depending on our state, how we feel at that point in time. Slowing down our built-in clock, has the effect of slowing down time itself. It can seem as if we have achieved much more, in the same amount of time. You can try this for yourself. Our built-in clock is regulated by our breathing. So, begin by slowing down your breathing, relax – and let go of the things you are struggling to hold on to. The stress you are feeling, just let it flow away with every out-breath. Breathe in the new air and out with the old.

Do not give in easily, stay with the breathing, just let go more and more. As you let go, feel the joy of being relaxed. A changing of your internal energy life-giving and peaceful.

It only takes a minute in relative terms, but the benefits can last for hours. We do not need anything special, and we could be anywhere – this simple exercise will still work.

We are body, mind, and spirit.  So, slow the body and just breathe, the mind will calm itself, and the spirit will grow. To be in control is more about letting go – it is just a matter of time. 

Sunday, 7 June 2020

Quiet Space

Sacred Space – a time and place just for you

Our Churches may be closed but we can still find Sanctuary where we are. We all may haves a longing for a return to the familiar when often what we are looking for is right here with us. Have you ever considered creating a space where you can step out of the daily routine and into a “Quiet Space”? A physical space for you to step into. A space just for you and God. We might call it a “Sacred Space” setting apart a place to enter in to let go of daily stress and to listen.

There are immense benefits in taking time out, even for a short while. Finding a space where we can recharge our batteries, taking a moment to see how far we have come and to see what our next step is? Often in life we move quickly from one thing to another, then we can find ourselves a way off track. It helps to have a point of reference, something we relate to and can keep us on course, (you are probably thinking of a compass). Time spent in our quiet place helps us to reset our course and take stock of our belongings, then we will emerge more at peace with ourselves and the life stuff around us. That must be a good thing, and it is free! 

Our space for quiet is just that, it is ours alone and for others it could be different. Make it as personal as you can, if you are into simplicity then keep it as simple as you can, but if you are creative let it flow. Perhaps you are a touchy-feely kind of person, you may prefer silence, or some sounds to help you into a quiet time. Use what you have, it’s always your best, never compare it to others each one is unique, just as you are. Find simple things: a candle, stones, a glass of water, a special picture, and a pencil to write. Expect to receive!

Your space can be indoors or out, somewhere you feel comfortable and away from distractions, you know, those things that beep and demand your attention. To be laid on a bed may be inviting, but the rest would be confused with sleeping. You may of course choose a set walk, a circuit to complete. Your time, your space, just for you. 
Begin to see that quiet time is part of our natural being, it is necessary for us. 

Once you begin, you will find yourself drawn back often.

Peace be with you.

Saturday, 2 May 2020

Holy Communion

Holy Communion is a Sacrament given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ and is available to us in a physical form when we attend Mass. Our part in this Sacrament is to receive fully the Living Christ in our hearts, to be changed and become more Christ like in our thoughts words and deeds. A full partaking of this Sacrament will occur, as our hearts are open, and faith is as much as it can be. Ultimately it is God who is giving, not the priest nor the form of liturgy. 
It is God who sees our true self and loves us unconditionally.

God exists as three persons united in love, one in existence with each other. The church on earth is the community of God and we must share in that community. We remember on that night when Christ first took bread and wine, he broke the bread and said this is my body similarly with the wine he gave it and said this is my blood, do this in remembrance of me. This offering of himself (fully God and fully man) was the foretelling of the sacrifice he would offer that very next day. These words were spoken to his Apostles, a community gathered round a table.

Jesus, before he ascended to Heaven imparted to us the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Blessed Trinity – to be our encourager, teacher and healer. That through the Holy Spirit working in us, others may be drawn to Christ. Jesus said, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (Jn 13:35). “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another (Jn 13:34). that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” (Jn 17-21)

The Eucharist is thanksgiving for God's love for us that we may share with others. It is right and proper that we attend mass the place where community comes together in a special way; to say sorry, to profess our faith, to offer worship and receive Holy Communion. God of course is not bound by our liturgy or physical boundaries. Through the Holy Spirit we can receive forgiveness, love and grace at any time. Our part is to be open to receive, believe in God's presence in our lives and allow ourselves to be changed, for without change we are not growing in God's love and become just a clanging cymbal (1 Corinthians 13:1).

We talk about spiritual Communion. I believe this is a moment, which could be part of a service. A time we set aside, to listen with our heart and soul, to invite God into our very being, to dwell within us, to heal us and enable us to love as he loved, to be one with him as only we can.

This can only be termed as a mystical moment, there is no need for set liturgical words (though it may help within the context of a service). I find it hard to be at Mass and not participate in the physical receiving of Jesus my lord, under the form of bread and wine. I find it hard to watch a Mass online, TV or radio - knowing the ultimate climax is missing. I spend time drawing close to God and receiving him spiritually, looking then for the changes I know he wants to make in me.

Other sources regarding Spiritual Communion

Spiritual Communion is a traditional practice of expressing to the Lord our longing for him and our desire for him to enter our hearts. St. Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) said:
“When you do not receive communion and you do not attend Mass, you can make a spiritual communion, which is a most beneficial practice; by it the love of God will be greatly impressed on you.”

St. Jean-Marie Vianney (1786-1859), the famous country priest from Ars, France, once said “when we feel the love of God growing cold, let us instantly make a spiritual Communion. When we cannot go to the church, let us turn towards the tabernacle; no wall can shut us out from the good God.”

How might we go about making a spiritual Communion? St. Peter Julian Eymard (1811-1868), the French “apostle of the Eucharist,” suggested the following format:

“If you do not receive (holy Communion) sacramentally, receive spiritually by making the following acts: conceive a real desire to be united to Jesus Christ by acknowledging the need you have to love His life; arouse yourself to perfect contrition for all your sins, past and present, by considering the infinite goodness and sanctity of God; receive Jesus Christ in spirit in your inmost soul, entreating Him to give you the grace to live entirely for Him, since you can live only by him; imitate Zacheus in his good resolutions and thank our Lord that you have been able to hear Holy Mass, and make a spiritual Communion; offer in thanksgiving a special act of homage, a sacrifice, an act of virtue, and beg the blessing of Jesus Christ upon yourself and all your relatives and friends.”

While there is no formula prescribed by the Church to make an act of spiritual communion, prayers composed by various saints are part of the Church’s rich treasury of devotions. One of the more popular acts of spiritual communion comes from St. Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787):

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament.
I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there
and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020


I am perhaps prompted by our current lock-down situation since March 2020 and our reactions to a different way to communicate. Digital technology brings family and friends into our living space. Many are fascinated with the wonder of it all and maybe miss the words that are heard and said. We keep our conversations at a basic level, treading carefully as we go.

There are things we know about ourselves and yet, there is much more inside to be opened. Others will see things that we do not see – and between us we can often imagine things that are not there.

Awareness of who we are and how we relate to others is central to our growing into who we are created to be. Pip Wilson talks about us being a valuable and precious gift and the worst thing we can do, is to remain unwrapped.

To begin to unwrap who we are within our community is a risky business. We feel vulnerable and worry that we will not be accepted. If a flower never opens, it denies its own purpose and that of the creator – such beauty withheld...

A seed in fertile ground, will germinate and break into the daylight. It pushes its roots deep into the soil while drawing energy from the sun, a process of growing that we can identify with. 

We are born out of relationship and into relationships. Though we might find solitude a safe place, our growing is in relation to others. So, how does this all work as a process. Pip describes this well as Levels One to Five and is sketched here through his Blob characters.

Level One – Cliché
We pass the time of day in cliché –
“Alright” – “Nice weather” we would say to most people, not looking for or expecting an answer. Not something we would start with when relating to close friends, or those we would like to know better.

Level Two – Facts
We tend to communicate with facts only.
Reciting a story of the things we have done or seen. 
Which can be interesting at first, but you get the feeling it has been rehearsed.

Level Three – Opinions
This is where we begin to unwrap a little, we share opinions, our thoughts on situations.
Letting go of little bit of Me. Carefully though, as others might not agree.

Level Four – Feelings
Now for some real communication – unwrapping how we feel.
When we share honestly how we are feeling, it is accepted for what it is and without judgement. “This is Me” my emotional stuff. Risk taking yes but so fulfilling.
People begin to see the real you, and you do too. You are beginning to see how life can be.

Level Five – Total Openness
This is the goal, not often reached.
To be totally open, sharing emotions (just how it is), with honesty and trust – becoming fully unwrapped and fully alive. 
Finding a level five is like a treasure, we want to hold on to it. Though not in a possessive way, for love is about setting the other free to be who they are too.

Thoughts that come to mind from Scripture:

from John 15:
   Remain in me, as I also remain in you.
   No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine.
   As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.
   Now remain in my love.
   Love each other as I have loved you.
   I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father - 
   I have made known to you.

Philippians 2: 5
  In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.

Matthew 22: 37-40
  Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and 
  with all your mind." This is the first and greatest commandment. 
  And the second is like it: "Love your neighbour as yourself." 
  All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."