Tuesday, 7 September 2010

The nearest faraway place.


Its easy to be caught up in the daily doings, what ever they may be. Consumed by our work, home and all the other stuff that just keeps happening; you know what I mean. Just give me 5-minutes, I’ll do it later, I need to get away, I can manage!

I enjoy photography but I think that is just an excuse to go for a walk, a time to be on my own and to empty my head, or to process some of my concerns. The other morning after delivering an envelope I headed into the valley gardens and soon found myself by the river side, (fairy glen). I sat with my back against an old tree closed my eyes and just listened to the water. I was fascinated by the different sounds as the river rushed on by; I widened my listening and drew in the sounds of birds, trees in the wind and squirrels rustling in the leaves. It was as if I had stepped into another world and during this stay, my energy levels were being increased, the day at work seamed to go better, I was more at ease with myself and others.

Spirituality is not just about going to church; its about discovery; we can’t always find it in the busyness of the day. Jesus often went off on his own into the wilderness; I think he means for us to do the same. Someday in the future we may have booths we can step into and have light images and sound around us creating in us a better mood?  For me, I’ll stick to my walks in the woods and on the beach listening to the wildness of the sea.

Sunday, 29 August 2010




On my 12th birthday my parents gave me a Ukulele banjo; I was so excited. Within the day I could play “Little brown jug”, I loved the banjo but school friends were not impressed, guitars were more the fashion; the banjo laid idle in the wardrobe. Years later I sold it to a guy who could really play and it seemed better in his hands than mine; this was after my father had died.

Many more years later I regretted the sale and contacted the guy who was then retired; I explained the sentimental value of the banjo and he agreed to sell it back to me. I was more surprised by the price for he insisted on the same £15 that I sold it to him. I was so pleased to have it back and once again it went into the wardrobe. The old banjo came out from time to time and again I would play “Little brown jug”.

Recently, again talking about the old banjo, I heard of a banjo workshop at the local pub and turned up with my banjo under my arm. I was told that my old banjo is actually a banjolin and should have steel strings to get the best sound; now after 45 years I have the chance to really play the old banjo.

Note to morning office: Its all about using the things you have and not leaving them to gather dust; you might as well not have them. Letting go of things not used is an ongoing challenge – first identify them.

Sunday, 15 August 2010



Harvesting has already begun, probably due to the lack of rain; this photo was taken on an early morning walk just a few weeks ago.

I try not to get caught up in discussion about Mary, Theotokos (Mother of God) but I feel uplifted by the words of the Magnificat, used by Teams of Our Lady.

My soul magnifies the Lord
And my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour

I feel as if I want to shout  - WOW! right after that part……

Sunday, 8 August 2010



The feast of the Transfiguration and today's Eucharist  seemed extra special, experiencing that thin place between heaven and earth – complexity and simplicity.

This is not something that can be prescribed, manufactured or reserved. Something that happens without announcement and finds us holding our breath and wondering just what is happening.


Walking along the river Tees at Preston Park last week, I captured the delicate shades of this flower against the flowing river and above, the spiral staircase; more simplicity – complexity.




Note to evening office: Remember I am not just earthly bound.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Past Present & Future.

Scouts2During this last month there have been many re-connections with folk from long ago. Cousins, friends and just this week an old school chum who I have not seen in 41-years (when we left school). Some have been off the radar for only a couple of years but some for over twenty; it has been quite weird how this has all happened in just a few weeks.

The photos I am including today were copied from glass slides and were taken (or at least once owned) by Leo Atkinson, Scout leader of 3rd South Bank St Peters. Also you can see by the football that the team were St Brendan’s Middlesbrough 1903; I am amazed at the quality of some of these old slides.

StBrendans1903A days hike…….


We see today as a result of our yesterdays and step forward with excitement for the future; for it will be what we make it.

Monday, 19 July 2010

Hastings 1066


Its nice to be back; Hastings, Bexhill and Battle. A lovely break meeting friends old and new. This was a part working holiday with a retreat at Ashburnham Place. Time away is often an opportunity to take stock and look forward, a time away from the routine and busyness; the distractions that prevent forward thinking.


The challenge now of course

is to follow it through.

John 1:12

But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,

Monday, 21 June 2010

The Dawn


Note to evening office:

Stop searching David; and let the discoveries dawn upon you.