Wednesday, 28 October 2020

A Matter of Time

Photo: Djim Loic

We always seem to know what time it is –
it is as if we have a built-in clock.

Sometimes it takes a while to kick-in, to get our bearings, but then we are brought abruptly into the reality of where we are and what time it is. You know that feeling.

Time is a hard taskmaster, just like the tide -it waits for no-one. The ticking of a clock is insistent and is at its most annoying when we are waiting for something. Our senses prefer things to be on time unless we are running late ourselves.

We say we have all the time in the world, though this will rest upon how the day is panning out for us. A day spent fishing, walking, or just reading a book will slow down time dramatically. Time often picks up speed when we begin to think, of all the things we feel we should be doing.  Stress and the speed of time seem to be related. Have you ever wondered – what is the true speed of time?

Einstein said, “time is relative” and will be experienced differently by us, depending on our state, how we feel at that point in time. Slowing down our built-in clock, has the effect of slowing down time itself. It can seem as if we have achieved much more, in the same amount of time. You can try this for yourself. Our built-in clock is regulated by our breathing. So, begin by slowing down your breathing, relax – and let go of the things you are struggling to hold on to. The stress you are feeling, just let it flow away with every out-breath. Breathe in the new air and out with the old.

Do not give in easily, stay with the breathing, just let go more and more. As you let go, feel the joy of being relaxed. A changing of your internal energy life-giving and peaceful.

It only takes a minute in relative terms, but the benefits can last for hours. We do not need anything special, and we could be anywhere – this simple exercise will still work.

We are body, mind, and spirit.  So, slow the body and just breathe, the mind will calm itself, and the spirit will grow. To be in control is more about letting go – it is just a matter of time.